As we hold our first grand daughter we look to the future, but it is the past that has given us the will to continue to grow. The experience of sharing so many things in the past prepares us to gain the utmost from the future.
Three months and 12,500 miles have been shared. The 75 square feet of space has been shared for three months. The challenges of prolonged travel have been shared. All shared without incident. The time was wonderful -- except for three days scattered throughout the trip. No one can be expected to agree all the time.
The adventure allowed us to focus on the experience and on each other. The adventure allowed each of us to focus on our partner without the challenges of daily responsibilities -- similar to our dating days of times long ago. I didn't dwell on the two hours it took one of us to be ready to travel each day. Cheryl didn't dwell on the time needed to see sports venues, stops for adult beverages and someone always sitting in the middle of the only real couch. It was amazing to me that these ticky tacky issues were kept in perspective. (I have to report, however, the time was actually 2 hours and 9 minutes to get ready each day.)
Our lives grew. More importantly, our lives grew together. Our marriage, our relationship is richer and stronger for the time we spent together.
Travels with Cheryl was an outstanding event in our lives. I recommend it highly! I should amend that to read "Travels with your special person" is recommended. I hope Cheryl is satisfied to travel with me.
The van survived as well. It discarded two hubcaps for unknown reasons. It experienced one small scratch when I did not notice a post while backing up in a campground in Tennessee.
Husband, wife and Pleasure Way van returned home, but are ready to be on the road again.
Keep an eye out for us. We're the ones with the perpetual smiles on our faces. We're the ones excited about celebrating our 42 nd wedding anniversary and many more after that.