Sunday, October 14, 2007

Newport news, VA

It has been awhile since we've had wireless access, but today makes it all worth it. Time catch up as I sit in the beautiful morning sunshine on a bench in Nashville, Tennessee.
Newport News - Best thing about the stay in Newport News was the opportunity to hug a redhead. Daughter, Kate, and her husband, Kevin, welcomed us to their new home. After more than a month in the 40 square feet of living space the Pleasure Way offers Kate and Kevin's 2500 square foot home was a nice treat in itself.
showers in which you can actually move your arms, chairs in which you can recline were only two of the myriad options available; but to be welcomed by a hug from a red head - that's special.
We toured colonial Williamsburg, watched the period craftsman ply their trades, listened to orators speaking in the street and got pulled into the period as best we could. Regarding the orators - I think that Patrick Henry is capable of stirring up trouble for the king. He is a fiery speaker.
It caused me to think about how I would have responded had I really been there in Williamsburg. As a conservative I am slow to respond to fiery rhetoric, slow to embrace radical ideas; but, the premise from which they spoke was so compelling. Would I have been willing to stand up against the traditional line? I wonder.
The more I think about the time in Williamsburg, the more I realize how well the entire scenario is done. To be a town resident would be an enjoyable experience for a retired person.
A trip to Kitty Hawk with Kate was also a time to think about how quickly life actually passes. First, my mother was born before the Wright brothers mad their historic flight, and she watched with the rest of the world as Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. All that and all of the accomplishments in between within her lifetime.
Second, Kate's Air Force jet had a wing span wider than the first Kitty Hawk flight. Her jet could not get off the ground in the length of their historic fourth flight. Third, the very same 3 principles used in her planes are the same were identified by the Wright Brothers, but with such dramatically different results. While today's planes carry so much so far they carry considerable more than the 12 ounces of fuel the Wrights had to use. A 12 ounce fuel can hung from an upper wing strut with a gravity feed to a 2 horse power engine.
As we move back on the road we have plenty to think about - the pleasure of spending time with Kevin and Kate, the new experiences offered by Williamsburg and Kitty Hawk.
Cheryl splashed in the warm waters of the Atlantic cean for the first time. It is actually warmer than our pool at home on many occasions and 20 degrees warmer than the Pacific Ocean on the Oregon Coast.
New experiences, New thoughts

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