Monday, November 12, 2007

Understanding life's challenge

One last reflection from Tucson.
In my best imitation of middle school mentality I must say, "She made me do it!"
I knew sooner or later my wife would get me in trouble. At the mission last Saturday we saw what looked like a bride and her attendants lining up in the back of the church. As we viewed the displays and artifacts in other buildings we heard the blare of a trumpet leading a mariachi band as part of the celebration in church.
My wife lured by the music turns to me and asks, "Wanna crash a wedding?"
With that kind of pressure I succumbed to the temptation of an inexcusable social error and quietly slipped into the back of the church. What a happy event we witnessed.
I was not able to kiss the bride.
I share this event so everyone realizes the pressure I endure to try to live a proper life, understand the challenges with which I must live each day.
It's kind of fun.

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